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Volibear guide

Volibear guide Legue of legends

Volibear that one champion that gets tank items and still deal tons of damage let's get started

Quick review : volibear is a tank just like any other one but has high dmg dispite being one of them and his kit is really simple you q them then e 2 auto attacks and w and your E does more dmg to Champs who are airborne

Passive: when your hp gets lower than 30% you start regenerating 30% hp over 6 seconds so you can go to the mid of the fight chill inside take some damage without a care in the world
Because of your passive and high hp pool

Q: you get movement speed and your next auto attack flips the enemy airborne and here is the kicker, when you run towards and enemy champ you get more movement speed so you run really fast making the enemy terrified of what's going to happen to them so you gain tactical advantage scales with ap so you could go ap volibear for fun

W: passively after 3 auto attack you gain attack speed and you can press it(can't press if if you don't have 3 stacks) then you can bite the target the best thing about this ability it that it scales with your percentage maximum health
(15%) and the lower you enemy hp is the higher dmg w does to them so if you build tank you deal high dmg

E: you roar causing dmg over an area and slowing enemies in the area its an really good ability as it helps to slow the enemy making your team catch up to them and it does quite high dmg but it Only scales with ap another reason to play ap volibear for fun

R: it enchants your auto attacks making them strike enemies who are close to each other just like static shive but it hits up to 8 enemies and scales with ap it really helps in team fights you hit one person but you also strike a couple more of the enemy team


Typical build : cinder hulk (blue smite usually) / spirit Visage / warmong armor / dead man's plate / righteous glory / boots depends on the game but usually the magic resist ones / thorn mail / steraks gage / titanic hydra

Runes: aftershock / bone plating / conditioning / over growth
Precision and perfect : triumph / legend tenacity

Build: cinder hulk / righteous glory/ shurelya reveive / boots of swiftness / dead man's plate / spell binder

Personal Runes (My Own Rune on Volibear) : predator / taste of blood / relentless hunter / eye ball collection
Sorcery: celerity / water walking

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