Tahm Kench Guide

Tahm Kench is one of multi lane champions, he is actually one of the biggest counter of many Top Lane champions. but almost of players are picking Tahm Kench as a support.
If your ad carry is safe then Q and auto 2 times for eat. If your ad carry is in trouble eat them instead. You can ult and bring someone with you to make a play on someone too.
In lane, use your AAs to proc your passive if you really don't need to slow them with your Q. You can chain cc by your own, specially with Glacial Augment, then Q at 3 stacks, then W. In tfs, if you want to play defensively (using your W for peeling) try to position yourself behind your adc, so you take advantage of your W range. Be careful of enemy CC for your E timing. Use your R as much as you can to get number advantage on a fight for an objective. As an advanced mechanic, in a turret dive, if you won't receive any damage, you can use your R as a second W for saving a second teammate from turret lethal damage.
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