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Anivia guide - Season 8

Anivia can play both top and mid lane and support as well ... and there's different build in every role

Top lane

I pref to play top with anivia and focus on pressuring my lane and splitting to give the lead to my team old runes I used to play with movement speed runes and movement speed tanky build and same build still work
(Tear, rush rod of ages,boots.. pref mercuries boot and it depends maybe tabis..,Zz'Rot portal,liandrey's Torment and the last item you can get void staff or zhonya's it depend on the game and your lead in the lane)

Mid lane

Same items you can start with tear and then you can see how is your lane if you have the lead in your lane in the early and got some early kills you can rush some dmg with liandry's and void staff or u can get rod of ages to scale the game,Sorceries shoes is the best choice,Deathcap... final build
(Tear, Rod of ages, liandry's, boots, void staff, deathcap)


Start with the simple support items spellthief after that you can rush tear or rod of ages to get some damage.. and continue the same build
Toplane : Max E>>Max W>> Max Q (I use this in all lanes)
Midlane: Max E>>Max W or Q both good but W is more useful in team fights
Support: E>W>Q

Summoner spells used

Toplane: Flash,Teleport or (ignite,exhaust) if u play spellbook runes
Midlane: Flash (Heal,exhaust,ignite,Teleport)
Support: Flash (Exhaust,Ignite)

Midlane: use Heal vs bruisers who can 1 shot u and you can outplay him, vs assassins you can use exhaust and get tabi's first like Zed. use teleport if u got A non mobillity team and you have to roam and rotate, ignite vs healers..
support: exhaust is useful for late games..


Arcane comit, Spellbook 

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